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A 12-week program for finding balance and strength in your body, mind, and nutrition after a setback.

Bad habits, life’s hiccups, and self-neglect have led to a mind and body you don’t want to live in anymore.

Hundreds of adults have used A New Fit 4 You coaching to get back a body that moves, eats, and thinks without pain.

Ready for the comeback?

The last few years have been hard for everybody. Some of us more than others.


The isolation and negativity has led to an increase in depression, anxiety, addictions, and sense of loss. 


But you are here because you are ready for a change.

You are ready to take back some control over your body.

You are ready to start being nice to yourself again. 

Because you deserve it!


Find Your HAPPY Again

A 12-week total health coaching program


A program for adults who want to feel good again without restrictive diets and stressful workouts.


This is for people looking to enjoy their life without painful movement, low energy, and emotional stress. 


a nourished body, a flourished mind

Image by Dane Wetton

Pain-free Movement

Image by Isaac Quesada

Increased Energy

Image by Helena Lopes

Improved Mental Health

Image by krakenimages

Higher Career Satisfaction


"I can see myself increasingly becoming stronger and healthier each week... I have not been able to walk my two dogs on my own for over a year and a half, and after one month of working with Chelsea, I’m able to walk my dogs on my own."


The program has 3 areas of focus:
Mental, Physical, and Nutritional


Stop beating yourself up inside your own head -

Many of the things we tell ourselves are unkind. Sometimes we are aware of it and sometimes it’s so ingrained in our mid that we don’t even realize how destructive it is. We have to identify those soundtracks and replace them with thoughts that will help us feel good about ourselves. And it won’t be perfect. You won’t suddenly never have a negative thought again. But what if you have the tools to recognize when the negative thoughts happen and the strength to tell yourself that they aren’t true?


Less thinking, more doing - 

It’s easy to sit on the couch and think about what you are going to do. It’s way harder to actually get up and do the things. This program helps you turn your thoughts into actions so that you can take the steps to get to the life that you want. 


Create a new core value structure based on self-respect and self-love  - 

Core values drive your decisions and your actions. Let’s set you up for success by building core values or self-love, connection with others, and balance. Learn to trust yourself and take care of yourself so that you can enjoy your life without those who are the most important to you again!


Start where you are -

Whether you have never worked out before, or you used to be an athlete. We will look at injuries, weak points, and strengths to create a customized exercise plan that will push you to get stronger without hurting yourself. 


Change small habits with habit stacking that will result in positive lifestyle changes - 

Habit stacking involves adding a new positive habit to a pattern or habit you already have. Such as taking your medication when you brush your teeth. Or doing a certain posture exercises while you wash the dishes. Habit stacking makes small changes that when combined lead to positive life changes. 


Reach for measurable and attainable goals to start trusting yourself and your body again - 

Whether you have a goal to walk you dogs without getting tired or run a marathon, your goal is your goal. No one else’s. We will create a step-by-step plan to get you to your goal during these 12 weeks so that you can feel the satisfaction of saying “I did that!”


Finding a healthy diet that works for you and your needs - 

This program focuses on balance and therefore, we do not recommend restrictive diets. We figure out how to make meals easy, delicious, and nourishing. Instead of your diet being stressful and restrictive, you get a plan that is easy to follow and increases your energy so that you burn more calories effectively.


Shopping lists and meal guidance - 

Take out the guess work with our delicious meal-prepping, shopping lists and recipes. Get back a sense of control over your eating habits so that you can start thriving in other areas of your life!


Find joy in eating again - 

Whether you overeat, undereat, or just eat junk. Eating is often a stressful event in our day. Imagine a life where eating was joyful, nutritious, and energizing. How different would your life be?


Over $4950 worth of training for $1650

(or 3 monthly payments of $600)

For less than $150 a week you get strength training for your body and your mind

  • 12 group coaching calls with exercise, nutrition, and mental wellness plans ($1500)

  • Monthly 1-on-1 meetings with Chelsea to discuss your specific goals and needs. ($600)

  • Daily access to Chelsea via email as needed for support and accountability ($750)

  • Workout plans to meet your specific goals. Get stronger. Prevent injury. ($1300)

  • Meal plans and shopping lists to make eating less stressful, more joyful, and delicious. ($200)

  • Mental and emotional wellness tools and exercises to create positive thoughts, more actions, and the lifestyle change you’ve been looking for. ($2000)


If you were to pay for each of these things individually, you would be paying almost $5000!

But with the Like Yourself Again resiliency coaching program, you get it all for $1650


What if I’ve never worked out before?

We all have to start somewhere, I have worked with many clients who are just starting out. Focusing on correct form and basics helps educate and will help all clients to continue their wellness journey moving forward

What if I have a injury?

Resiliency coaching is still possible with an injury. Of course, it is recommended to have your doctor’s approval. I see injuries as setbacks that we can overcome and become stronger in the rehabilitation process.

Who is resiliency coaching for?

Anyone has experienced setbacks in life and wants to make changes to find  health and wellness. Goals focus on total health and not just losing weight.

What does a resiliency coaching session look like?

The first few sessions may take a bit more time to get to know what your goals are and build rapport. Each session can bring new and exciting adventures. Some days look like learning a new skill, cooking a meal, or moving through a breathwork session. Other days we can focus on the tasks that may take more time alone, sessions will vary and be specific to each person.

Do I have to do the mental work too, or can I just do the physical exercises?

Studies have shown better long-lasting results and achieved goals by creating balance in each area of wellness. Instead of only focusing on physical strength and losing weight. 

Am I too old for a resiliency coaching program?

My clients have ranged in age and have been very successful. If you are willing to work on yourself you are at the right age.

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