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It's Time To Try Something New

A New FIT 4 You

Image by Dev Asangbam

Did you wake up this morning and think:

How did I get here?

Why did I let it get this out of hand?

I can’t keep living like this or I will die.

It’s time to make a change.


It starts with a small thing.

Eating that whole bag of chips

Smoking that cigarette on a stressful day

Drinking that glass of wine after the breakup

Babying that joint that feels a little wonky


And before you know it you’re numbing with:



Refusing to leave the couch or the bed

Sleeping too much or not at all

Unable to enjoy the things you use to love



But if you are here, it means that you are ready for something new.

You are ready for THE COMEBACK.

You are ready to enjoy life again!


Resiliency Health & Wellness Coaching

Welcome to A New Fit 4 You!
I’m the owner and your coach, Chelsea!

B.S. Exercise Science

Certified Life Coach, Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer, and Exercise Physiologist


My personal journey led me to become a resilience health and wellness coach. I got my degree in kinesiology after blowing out my knee. I was hyper-focused on my physical fitness and didn’t even realize how unhealthy I still was. 


I might have looked fit, but still had high anxiety, self-destructive habits, and no balance.


It was much later that I realized that I needed to also build up my emotional and nutritional muscles to become truly healthy. 


I needed to find the balance to really get to enjoy my life without obsessing and stressing. 

I began to take a whole-person health approach which infused mindfulness, emotional healing, and nutrition into my life. 


My results improved my work performance, my work/life balance, my mental health, and so much more!


So that is what I do now!
I help people come back to a sustainable healthy lifestyle so that they can enjoy life again!


This is about creating a place you love in your own life and your own mind. 

Like yourself again. 

How you eat.

How you feel.

How you look.

How you think.

How you move.

Couple Walking

Who is resiliency health & wellness coaching for?

I work with anyone who wants to:


  • Form new habits that lead to life satisfaction

  • Keep up with your children/grandchildren

  • Improve their work performance

  • Prevent future medical bills

  • Control their blood sugar levels

  • Get back to movement activities that they enjoy

  • Fit into their goal outfit without fluctuation

  • Increase mobility and prevent injuries

  • Build muscle and feel good

  • Eat mindfully with more delicious and less restrictions


"She is kind, thoughtful, understanding and just the right amount pushy. Working with Chelsea has improved my body and my soul."


"I would not be where I am today if not for all the training, coaching, and support from you! You pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible and showed me a healthier approach to my nutritional choices."


"After 3 months my doctor no longer considers me prediabetic!!! and I have lost 20lbs, feel stronger and continue to make progress."

What does
Resiliency Health & Wellness Coaching
look like?

You get an individualized plan with a focus on strength, nutrition, and emotional well-being. This action plan will give the structure, accountability, and results as you improve your total health.


We will find the balance of when to push you to do more and when to protect you from injury or setback.


We assess your weak points, your obstacles, your mindset, and your unspoken limiting beliefs.


We make your goals personal, attainable, and motivating so that you can start trusting yourself and keeping promises to yourself again. 


After resiliency coaching,

you experience the

comeback after all the setbacks!


Get your life back on track!


Starting living like you want to live!




Let's Get Started

1-on-1 Coaching for 3 months
(cost per month)


1x/week $1400

2x/week $2000





I Really Want This To Happen

1-on-1 coaching for 6 months​

(cost per month)


1x/week $1300

2x/week $1800



Find My Happy Again

12-week group coaching program





Get in touch and start your wellness journey today.

N McDowell St, Charlotte NC 28205


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